The Essential Tools For Healing. Ten classes that will help you start living once again.
Dr. Kevin Skinner guides you over the course of 100 Days through videos and exercises to support your long term recovery.
A step-by-step guide to help you understand the key barriers that prevent you from experiencing the intimacy you desire in your relationship.
Creating intimacy is a learned skill. Discover six types of relationship intimacy and how to improve in each area.
Learn why you're relationship is breaking apart and discovers answers to heal and bring your relationship back together.
Supplemental course content to Dr. Kevin Skinner's book Treating Sexual Addiction: A Compassionate Approach to Recovery.
Strategies For Stress Relief
This course gives you the tools, capabilities, and support needed to deal with the stress you are currently facing in these difficult times.
Coming Soon
Overcoming Anxiety
An in depth course designed to help sufferers of all kinds of anxiety. Learn daily coping skills and in depth knowledge of confronting your personal battle with anxiety.
Coming Soon